2014-03-30 12.57.28 (2)

I recently came across this article and I couldn’t agree more. The article elaborates on 7 “dirtbag” (read inexpensive, perfect for the budget traveler) resorts. I thought that the description was pretty spot on for our little resort. Grand Targhee is located just a few minutes from downtown Driggs, and I have to admit, I love it there. The snow is always amazing, and literally, there are days when I’m hitting fresh powder all. day. long.

For those looking for an affordable ski spot, check it out.

For­get for a moment all those adver­tise­ments about Utah. The best snow in my opin­ion is in Wyoming. This is not the place for peo­ple who like to ski groomers though, as groomed runs are prac­ti­cally non-existent here. The locals don’t even show up unless there’s at least 10″ of fresh snow because it hap­pens so often. For pow­der hounds, this place is heaven. Because of its remote­ness, very few peo­ple come here. Most peo­ple go to Jack­son hole, which is on the other side of the moun­tain range, and doesn’t get all the good snow dumps like Grand Targhee. They get more than 500 inches of snow annu­ally and with over 2,200 ver­ti­cal feet, it’s hard to not nab your own first tracks.”